

Thinking About a Cosmetic Procedure?


Thinking about a cosmetic procedure? From Botox to breast implants, millions of people are opting for plastic surgery. There are many things to consider when making such an important decision. You probably have a number of questions or perhaps you don’t know where to start. My best advice is to ask as many questions as you want, not only about the procedure but also about the plastic surgeon. 

Here are a few frequently asked questions about some common plastic surgery procedures.

Is my surgeon board certified in plastic surgery?
There are a number of certifying boards for cosmetic surgery that a surgeon may be a member of, but only one is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties: The American Board of Plastic Surgery. Certifications by this board are often considered the gold standard of training in the field, indicating that the surgeon has received extensive specialized training in plastic surgery.

What areas of the body can be treated with liposuction? 
The most common areas in females are the abdomen, hips and thighs. Men who elect to have liposuction are most often treated for excess fat of the breasts, hips and abdomen. The upper arms, chin and neck, and buttock are other areas treated with liposuction.

Will liposuction help me lose weight? 
The goal of liposuction is to remove fat in order to reshape and recontour one or more areas of the body by removing fat which will modestly reduce body weight. Liposuction may be used alone or in combination with other cosmetic surgery to address problem areas that have not responded to diet and exercise. Liposuction is not considered a weight reduction treatment. 

What is the recovery time for liposuction or abdominoplasty? 
Liposuction requires that the patient have adequate skin tone for best results. Abdominoplasty is a more involved procedure where unwanted fat is removed along with redundant and lax skin. In most cases, tightening of the abdominal muscles is also done. Recovery from an abdominoplasty is generally longer, requiring 4-6 weeks before returning to unrestricted activity. Recovery from liposuction is as little as 2 weeks. For both procedures, however, patients should be back to light normal daily activities within several days.

What is the difference between silicone and saline breast implants? 
Silicone gel implants are filled with silicone gel which is a semi-solid. Saline filled implants are filled with the same kind of salt water that is used in IV fluids. Many surgeons and patients believe that silicone breast implants have a more natural look and feel than saline since silicone has a texture similar to breast tissue. Saline implants have some advantages over the silicone implants. When saline implants fail (leak) it is usually easily detected as the salt water is absorbed by the body and the breast volume decreases. If a silicone implant fails, the breast often looks and feels the same because the silicone gel is not absorbed and there is no difference in breast size or volume.

What is the difference between Restylane and Botox?
Although both Restylane and Botox are used to treat facial wrinkles, they do so in different ways. Restylane is one of a variety of available facial fillers. It is a substance, hyaluranoic acid, which is injected below the skin surface to plump up unwanted creases and provide volume. Botox is also a trade name of a purified form of the botulism toxin that when injected in very small amounts will weaken facial muscles that cause wrinkles. Botox is commonly used to treat the frown lines between the eyes.

What can be done to improve the appearance of my eyes?
The skin around the eyes is more delicate and the muscles are in constant use creating wrinkles. Eyelid surgery, or Blepharoplasty, eliminates excess fat, bags, and winkled sagging skin of the eyelids that can cause you to appear constantly tired or sad. Eyelid surgery is done through incisions placed in natural crease lines and are usually not visible. Loose skin and fat are removed and the eyelids are tightened.

I am concerned that I might look very different and everyone will know after facial plastic surgery.
The goal of any plastic surgery is to look better, more youthful and energetic, but not surgically changed. The improvement should be significant, but at the same time subtle and natural. There are new and more sophisticated methods of improving ones appearance that have become available for men and women. 

James Miller